StreamWebs offers a number of resources to get you started in the field.
Data Sheets
These field data forms support a number of watershed field analyses, including water quality sampling, macroinvertebrate sampling, and photo point monitoring. Click on the link to see all of the data forms you can download.
Vernier Tutorial Videos
Here you will find a number of video tutorials covering field protocols for using the Vernier LabQuest and water quality sensors in the field, in addition to a field tutorial for conducting photo point monitoring.
Curriculum Publications
In this section, you will be able to download curriculum to use in the field and the classroom, including Salmon Watch, Student Stewardship Project Guide, and 1000 Drops.
NOAA Educator Resources
NOAA has a number of education resources that can support watershed investigations both in the field and classroom. Examples include: data resources, ocean acidification activities, and global systems activities.
Educator Kits
There are numerous watershed-related education kits available for two-week checkout, at no charge, through the OSU Extension Service, Benton County office.
Oregon Coast Education Program
The Oregon Coast Education Program (OCEP) provides online resources and in-person workshops, that help teachers and students learn about the coast and ocean in engaging and innovative ways. OCEP has coastal and watershed education modules with a variety of curriculum and activities for 3rd through 12th grade students.
Watershed Invasive Species Program
The Watershed and Invasive Species Education (WISE) Program provides curriculum and on-going teacher engagement in the community teaching about aquatic invasive species and other emerging watershed issues.
Water Quality Tutorial Video
This short video shows educators how to teach students to test water quality using field sampling equipment. The kit featured is one of many that educators can checkout, at no charge, through OSU Extension Service, Benton County Office.
Macro- invertebrate Tutorial Video
This short video shows educators how to teach students to find and count macroinvertebrates using field sampling equipment. The kit featured is one of many that educators can checkout, at no charge, through OSU Extension Service, Benton County Office.
Field and Classroom Investigation Guide
This curriculum is designed to help formal and non-formal educators use StreamWebs as a platform to conduct meaningful field-based student driven investigations that start and continue in the classroom.