Getting to Know Streamwebs
Every year thousands of students from around the state of Oregon collect a wide range of watershed data in the field, StreamWebs provides a way for students to follow up with the field experience back in the classroom. StreamWebs offers a suite of online applications for students to share and analyze their data and review the work of their peers. Students are able to upload their data and share their valuable contributions to watershed health with their community.

Click on Create Account and complete the registration form, choose a username and password. Once you successfully complete the form, you will be ready to start exploring StreamWebs! It is recommended that you create a single account that your class can use to log in.
StreamWebs allows you to enter your data by location. "Search Sites" will allow you to see if there is a project site for the location you are interested in. Click on the red site peg, then the site name to navigate to an existing site, and you are ready to begin entering your data!
By selecting the “Create Site” button you can create your own project site. Just enter the requested information about your project site, and personalize your site page with a photo. You are now ready to enter your data!
StreamWebs offers a number of resources that educators can use to support field experiences including curricula, tutorial videos, watershed monitoring protocols and data sheets.